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Table formatting still alive???
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[b]Emperor:[/b] First, let me precise I'm a both a coder and a graphist. To me content == datas. Thus I have a highly structurated conception of layout and I'm not shocked to see a mean to display tabular datas being used to display plain content. But I'm also keen on innovative and pretty designs. So far, I've mainly worked on portals and portals-like, that kind of sites feature a lot of content and a clear categorization. Their layout reflects the categorization of the contents. The portals I did use the HTML + XML + XSL + CSS combo. HTML ( including some tables ) gave the basic layout, XML the storage, XSL the presentation of the contents and finally CSS brought the smallest granularity of stylization. It's not idealistic but it gave us, the whole development and designers team, enough control to meet any requirements of the clients. The latest site I worked on was for "le [b][url=http://www.medef.fr]MEDEF[/url][/b]". Many people were involved in it and you can recognize my style to the utterly long variable names and the right aligned comments :p There's some interresting points in the GN thread. I consider the television is liquid too. IMO, and to sum up, the web is the gathering of every previous medias pushed to the extreme. Take the example, you gave at GN, of the [b][url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/]BBCI[/url][/b]. I like its design. It's simple, not worth jumping in the air but it gives informations and still look rather nice. Unfortunately it'll be a real pain to make that layout without tables. It's even more sad that the BBCI is the perfect example of a web site that has to be accessible in several forms and platforms ( desktop, laptop, handheld devices ... ) and thus would benefit of pure CSS layout. I'd be glad if you can help me change my mind and explain / show me an effective way to present that much content without tables. I hope you can share your own conception of web design because I clearly see the advantages of CSS but can't figure how to use it to lay down mine. Best regards, [b]Mathieu "POÏ" HENRI[/b] [This message has been edited by poi (edited 10-02-2003).]
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