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Table formatting still alive???
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poi: [quote] I'd be glad if you can help me change my mind and explain / show me an effective way to present that much content without tables. I hope you can share your own conception of web design because I clearly see the advantages of CSS but can't figure how to use it to lay down mine.[/quote] I'm afraid this is going to sound a bit vague but as ozphactor has show it is perfectly possible to have table-free designs with high information content. My point is that this may indeed by a true paradigm shift in that it changes your way of thinking about problems - questions like 'How do I get the bottoms of my columns to line up?' or more generally 'How do I make this table-based design without tables?' are from a tabled way of thinking. Quite a few of those 'conventions' are purely the product of using tables as a layout hack. It would be perfectly possible to build a page that displays the amount of content the Beeb's site does but you'd be making unnecesary problems for yourself by trying to make it look the same way as it does now. As I say this is a little vague but possibly the only way to really understand it is to do it - for a while you tend to try and make table-free designs look like like table-based designs but after a while of busting your balls trying to get everything to line up like that or sit exactly there you start asking yourself question about why you want it that way. The answer is you are trying do do it that way because you think that is the way it should be done when that needn't be the case. You said: [quote]to sum up, the web is the gathering of every previous medias pushed to the extreme.[/quote] No its not - it is different one with different strengths and limitations. It may draw influence and ideas from other media but they all cross polinate each other so....... However, as I said above getting rid of tables also depends on your brief which is defined by what your clients want, what your visitor profile is like, etc. Also ESPN looks fine to me in IE6 and Op7 ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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