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Table formatting still alive???
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[b]Emperor:[/b] [quote]No its not - it is different one with different strengths and limitations. It may draw influence and ideas from other media but they all cross polinate each other so.......[/quote] :p That's why I said [i]"To sum up ..."[/i] ESPN looks ok, but several points annoys me: [img]http://poi.ribbon.free.fr/espn_kk.png[/img] Ok I may have some high standards, but my "graphist myself" wouldn't have let those glitches going public. One thing that puzzles me is that I perceive your reasoning of design shift more as a graphical aspect than as a code wise and portability aspect. Obviously I may have missed some parts of your point. My head is all the more about to blow that the sites [b]ozphactor[/b] mentionned display a lot of content via tabular layouts ( even if they are free of table tags ). In fact, my conception is so influenced by print design and my "coder myself" that I can't figure how to visually present a lot of content out of tabular layouts. [b]If someone achieves to show a sketch of [i]not tabular layout[/i] of Wired, it would really shift my mind.[/b] Aahhh f####g paradigms. To me, the real strentgh of CSS is in the separation of the design and the content and the portability it brings. A great way to use CSS should be to keep the urls the same and only use subdomain name to define the type of support ( normal, wireless, light ... ) and thus of appropriate stylesheet. As you said earlier, the choice to rely on CSS only layout is highly dependant of the client and its audience. I especially like Macromedia's site. It's clean, pretty and rather dense, but though the code doesn't have table tags it has a tabular layout inspired by print design. I haven't found a sort of "mobile" or "pda" version of the site so I see their CSS compliance and table free layout more as an exercice of style and a "search" of legitimaty ( since they actually make applications to create / design websites ) than as a real need in regard of the density and targets of their site. Cheers, [b]Mathieu "POÏ" HENRI[/b] [edit]to make sure the thread appear updated though I only updated the picture[/edit] [This message has been edited by poi (edited 10-03-2003).]
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