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Dang dude, calm down. This is a discussion forum. People, um, discuss things here. I'm not jumping on you about anything, merely disagreeing with your point of view. If you don't like people disagreeing with what you say, don't say anything. =) Anyways, I think the main disagreement here is what web standards are all about. Obviously you see them as a technology spec to be used any which way you want, as long as it works. I however, disagree (no surprises there). I see standards as a way to promote better practices and to better the future of the web. So do the W3C and many others who promote them. Yet now I?ve been called an elitist, and for what? How does wanting the web to be more usable, accessible and interoperable make me elite? Yes, <table>s are allowed in XHML, but I disagree with you as to how they should be used. The W3C recommendations may make it possible for you to make a table based layout, but does that mean they promote this practice? No. Do they discourage them? Yes actually, they do. See this document: [url=http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/#gl-table-markup]http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/#gl-table-markup[/url] Does this make the W3C a bunch of elitist too? The recommendations loosely cover what the provided elements are designed to be used for. Tables are just that. A table is not a template. It is a means to mark-up tabular data; as such it has its uses but should not be used to encapsulate the layout and visual presentation of an entire document. Furthermore, just because it's not in widespread use doesn't mean it's not useful. The fact of that matter is that most websites are in HTML, the majority of which don't follow the recommendations set out by the W3C. I'd suspect this is because they don't know any better, having not actually read up on the technology they are using. This is just as bad as any excuse for not using them correctly. [quote] An extra DIV will not destroy a page, nor will it make the load time balloon, nor will it look any different in any browser. You're blowing things way out of proportion. "Oh no! He used an extra DIV! I'm never going back to that site ever again! He's not following web standards!111" [/quote] Dude, this discussion stopped being about just one <div> element when you started saying that using tables were an acceptable way to display websites. At which point I thought we moved onto a discussion about web standards and best practices. [This message has been edited by Cameron (edited 02-26-2004).]
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