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What Audio Editors are people using for Mac?
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I've used SoundEdit 16 on my Power Mac 9500/384 megs ram 8.6 with no problems, gave it lots of real Ram though. Although a while back I was experiencing quite a few odd system bombs, crashes and frequent Type 1, 2 and 11 errors. Did some extensive reading at [url=http://www.macfixit.com/]http://www.macfixit.com/[/url] and concluded that some 3rd party add-ons and other things were to fault. What I did was dump all 3rd party stuff, dumped ATM Deluxe 4 or above, instaled, Extensis Suitcase 8, installed Conflict Catcher to manage my extensions and control panels and test for conflicts. Made separate sets of ext. and CP to only load with certain Programs, which by the way totaled over 230 combined. I never use virtual memory either or Ram Doubler My drive is also formated using FWB Toolkit. and usualy optimize my drive about once every 2 weeks with good ol' Doc Norton. This has virtually eliminated all Type 1,2,11 errors and no Sytem bombs. have ocurred in over 9 months. I know how much we love to add to and customize our Macs, but I tell you keep it lean and mean. If you want to test this theory out try running your machine with just Mac OS 9 Basic Extension Set and I bet you won't have any crashes. If you want to see if an extension may be causing SoundEdit 16 to crash I highly recomend Conflict Catcher. Another way would be to start up with extensions off and launch SE16 to see if it will run...if it does an extension is to blame. what type of crashes are you getting? the "bomb" or Type"" Errors Mouse Freeze? hope it helps:) -kromaZ [This message has been edited by kromaZ (edited 03-19-2001).]
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