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Hi arlechinu! Welcome to the neighborhood! It's not you. Flash 5 *is* tricky. All the fun for me is in ActionScript. If you are handy with JavaScript it'll be a cinch for you. If not - it'll take some effort. Part of what's tricky about ActionScript is that bits of functionality can be placed in three places: in [b]keyframes, buttons and movie clips[/b]. Your two questions are answered by bits of ActionScript in different places. 1) attach a little bit of ActionScript to the button. (After you have created the button symbol and placed an instance of it on the stage, select the button and open the ActionScript editor.) Buttons can react to mouse events, so you would probably want to use on(release){}, and then the action you want to have happen after the mouse is released would be a getURL. Look in the ActionScript reference for the proper syntax. Don't forget that the target of getURL can be specified: "_self" would replace the contents of the current window with the contents of the new page, while "_blank" would place the new page in a new window. Note that, unless you write a JavaScript function you won't be able to specify what features the new window has (such as dimensions, status/tool bar, scroll and so on), but it's still handy to open a new browser window..... sometimes. People around here generally take exception to having new windows opened for them, but I still do it when it seems appropriate. 2) ActionScript again. All you need to do is place the simple stop(); script in a [b]keyframe[/b]. You'll then need a gotoAndStop("someFrameLabel"); or a gotoAndPlay("someFrameLabel"); script attached to a button or something in order to get the movie to advance to the next sequence or whatever. Help any? [img]http://people.ne.mediaone.net/s-nelson/sigs/opticBall.gif[/img] [This message has been edited by Steve (edited 06-04-2001).]
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