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flash5..actionscript or not???
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Jeeze you mad scientists are fast. Or I'm slow. In the time it took me to write an answer the question had poofed here! Oh well, here's what I wrote: This thread will probably get moved to the animation section, but .... Yeah, you'll need ActionScript. [b]BUT[/], if all you are trying to do is move the playhead one frame at a time to reveal the next picture, it'll be real simple ActionScript. Here's one possible way. Create a keyframe for each image you want to have in the show. I'd give each frame a label that represents the image so you don't have to refer to the frames by number. Each keyframe has one simple bit of code: stop(); . That will keep the movie from charging ahead automatically. Then the arrows in each frame have the equally simple bit of ActionScript code: gotoAndStop("frameLabel"); . I don't know how complicated you plan to make this. Do you want a "go to the beginning" arrow? Do you want thumbnails of all the images showing all the time? Whatever, it's pretty simple if all you are doing is bopping the playhead to specific frames. There's also a next(); and previous(); option I think, but if you want any degree of random access by the viewer, calling frame labels is more flexible. Note that Flash loses it's vector image advantage when you pack it full of raster images. If you have a movie with, let's say, 8 moderately large images, it's going to take a good length of time to crawl over the 'net, suggesting a preloader might be called for. Also a suggestion: import the images into Flash as png files. Flash will compress them to jpegs when you publish the movie, and it has worked better for me to start with uncompressed data rather than jpeg the files twice. Write again if you still have questions, but I think the animation area is more appropriate. [img]http://people.ne.mediaone.net/s-nelson/sigs/opticBall.gif[/img]
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