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Ok, let's go about this the simple, non-actionscripty way, using the basic idea that ShadowImage mentioned. Well, not much actionscript anyway... What I'd do is create three keyframes with stop actions a new layer, one at frame 10, 20, and 30. Label each with the name of a menu section. Now create 3 new buttons, one for each of your sections that has the up state underlined. Place one of the new buttons at the logically corresponding frame label with the other two original buttons. Now in your getURLs for each button you've got something like on (release) { getURL ("page.html"); } After the getURL add a simple action that just says gotoAndStop ("bleah"); where bleah is is the frame label of that button's underlined version. When you click any button it should move you along the timeline so that it's underlined version is visible as you're in that section. Make sense? Chris (who thinks he just wrote a short tute he's gonna put up on GN) [url=http://www.KAIROSinteractive.com/]KAIROSinteractive[/url] [This message has been edited by Fig (edited 07-18-2001).]
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