OZONE Asylum
Streaming an MP3
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Foundation ActionScript has a good section on the sound, making volue controls, etc. UltraShock has some kicking tutorials too. Sliding volume controls are sweet - they really make you look impressive! If the page is primarily HTML and you just want Flash to play the sound, it's pretty much just embedding a Flash movie with nothing but the sound. If the page is primarily Flash and you don't want to bloat the file with the soundtrack, the soundtrack can be a separate swf loaded into the main movie with actionscript. The little "do you see the animation?" thingie is probably the only "foolproof" detection scheme. There are javascript ones that are complex. One I used has an entry page with the "get plugin" notice, but it also embeds a tiny, fast loading Flash movie with some code that only Flash5 can interpret. If they don't have Flash 5, the movie hits a stop(); action and the page just sits there. If they do have Flash 5, the movie pops ahead to a frame that calls a JavaScript instruction to open a new window with the real movie in it. This seemed to work well for me.
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