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Livemotion 2 Announced
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Well, Adobe has guts, no doubts. They put InDesign up in front of Quark, proclaiming it a "Quark Killer" and from what I understand it has potential. It apparently does have some features that are superior to Quark. But the enthusiasm is mainly because there are so many out there who loath corporate Quark. That's not the case in the Flash community so far as I can tell. Those folk are CRAZY for Flash! Pushing the boundaries, pushing the limits. They foam at the mouth. It's, like, religious! LiveMotion1 came out right about when Flash5 did. That means there's a much broader user base of advanced, professional Flash users who rely on scripting, coding rather than tweening. I gather the interface and operational metaphors are different, and some people will "get" one or the other more easily. But scripting has been the big difference, and Flash got there first. Flash also has a pretty clear focus (although folk are always trying to push that); if Adobe's focus is to be bigger, badder and a "Flash Killer", well, that's going to appeal to a rather small segment. Who knows? For someone who doesn't have an investment in Flash it might be a toss up. If Adobe can endure, maybe the future is theirs. Ini - I think it sucks that this glob thing, which you suggest uses the computer's graphics card, is only for PC, when Macs could stand to gain so much more from that. Reading I've done suggests that the plug in is better optimized for a PC's process cycle and page rendering, so even fast Macs are at a big disadvantage. The Flash plug in, optmized for PCs, does all its rendering with the computer, none of it with the graphics card. A plug in that put some of the rendering burden on the card would stand to benefit Macs more and its just NOT FAIR!!!!! ~Steve stomps off in frustration~ Pooo
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