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File Sizes! AAHH!
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If it is for the web, I'd say 200k-300 max, as a "starter download". I say "starter download" thinking that it is possible to load, let's say 80% of your presentation on a first load, and then dynmically download additional graphics and sound, depending on what the user does. So, "modularity" would be my first way to make a Flash file shorter. Then: a) Graphics - reduce the color palette and try to compress them the best you can with PS. 72 dpi resolution, since this is for a screen presentation, mostly jpegs. b) Sound - reduce the sampling quality. Turn it to mono if it's not enough. Don't reduce it too much (go to file->publication settings or sump. like that for general compression settings). c) Vectors - less points = simpler shapes = smaller file. More symbols = heavier file. So less simpler symbols = very small file. But you won't spare much on vectors. d) "Structure" and general tips - More action script, and as I said before: "modularity". Nice pre-loading scripts and on-the-fly elements loading. This should make the user experience a little bit softer IMO.. [This message has been edited by InI (edited 02-07-2002).]
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