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File Sizes! AAHH!
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Good stuff overall with one correction: graphics - don't precompress your images, all that's going to do is lower the image quality in your final SWF. attempting to keep the number of colors in your image will affect your final file size to a certain extent, but to save as a JPG is like making a copy of a copy for your final SWF; Flash does JPG compression when it exports an swf so you don't to have an image compressed to start otherwise the image quality is being lower twice. importing as a PNG is your best bet, that also allows you to save an alpha channel if needed. additions: symbols - use them :) let's say you have 10 little slimies in a scene that are all very similar but they're all different colors. you have two options: - make 10 different colored slimies - make one slimy and make it a symbol, then modify it's color/tint in Flash using just that symbol means that your user is downloading a file that has only one slimy in it instead of 10 slimies, which can turn into a significant savings in file size. hope that helps... Chris [img]http://www.notdecaf.com/images/fig_newsig.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.KAIROSinteractive.com/]KAIROSinteractive[/url]
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