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Oh arr, well, all of the above :) Mostly just editing right now. The shooting stuff were doing in theory and the practical part is left up to me to figure out, they also give me free access to digital video cameras. Me, with a video camera? Warr harr harr! We'll also be doing some compositing, as well as some director intergration around Augast. For now, mostly editing. I'm at a loss when it comes to how all this is meant to work. Well, not really but I'm still rather green in the video world and was wondering if anyone knew of any happening comunities/knowledge bases for this area of multimedia? This place is great for web design but a lil lacking in the more high-end motion arts. So, ya'll know of any 'Video' Asylums? -- I've found some usefull stuff through search's and all but sometimes asking the people in the know can point you down a greener path with prettier flowers that smell just that lil bit sweeter. "Quicktime streaming server account" Ooohh.. Sounds like fun. Didn't know you needed a special server to stream quicktime! Already a helpfull tip! Yay!
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