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Director vs. Flash
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Yup, flash is an animation and web media scripting application. The footprint for the plugin is small and the speed is quite good. Director on the other hand is like a bastard verion of Java. It's an IDE that you can use to develop just about any kind of application given the experience and knowledge of how to extend it through xtra's and the like. It's quite fast to develop in too and it can run on the web and has a bunch of nifty networking and hardware rendering 3D capabilities to sweeten the deal. Furthremore, director supports embedded flash movies and since Direcror MX it can talk to them through lingo. The down side is it's speed. While director is 1000 times faster than flash at bitmap manipulations and the like, it's about 5 times slower than Java at the same operation. The trade off is that you can script a convolution matrix image filters with Director in about 3 lines of code, Java on the other hand takes a bit longer. Lingo is also quite annoying for anyone coming from a c language background as lingo's syntax roots stem from verbose languages like Visual Basic. Director's main use is for multimedia development on the Mac and PC, kiosk presentation and "specialised" web projects. Flash on the other hand is targeted at the internet from the ground up. It may have been a spin off from director but it's been re-structured several times and the recent versions are a powerful package in their own right. So, if it's web based and you don't need the power of something similar to Java then you should be using flash. As for file sizes between flash and shockwave; shockwave is usually used for bitmap heavy tasks thus its file size will be a lot larger but it all depends on how much content you cram into the .swf or .drc file. If you want to do vector based web stuff then I strongly recommend you get flash. The vector tools in Director suck big time and because macromedia want to make as much money as possible they'll keep director and flash as seperate as possible in terms of how you develope for each medium. Want flash content? You'll need to buy flash...
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