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Well, if you have the right hardware you could capture from the VHS tape but I'd recommend against that. VHS quality is quite poor indeed and even though streaming media it likely to be low quality it's best to source from the highest quality material you can. Get the DVD and get your hands on some DVD ripping software. There are plenty of apps around for this kind of thing, hell, if you have a decent video editing suite you should be able to source the video and audio from a DVD with but a few mouse clicks. Rip it to a QuickTime format (hope you got a big HDD) and with any decent Video editing app you should be able to get what you want from there. If your not sure how to deliver it online the I'd recommend sticking with the QuickTime format. Just optimise it for the web (re-sample it to a smaller size and compress it). QuickTime it probably your best bet as it's quite widely supported. You could also go with a DivX format but for all round web compatibility and user friendliness, go with QuickTime or MPEG. Edit: If you want true "streaming" media embedded into the web page then you might have some issues. I haven't done a lot of embedded streaming media work before so I can't be of much help here. Hopefully I got that right... If not I'm sure Izz will be along shortly to rip me a new one and show everyone how it's meant to be done. Anyways, best of luck with it. [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 03-04-2003).]
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