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UI Listbox trouble
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I've thought about the focus and I've thought about which item is selected. It's interesting, after I wrote originally I went back and tested starting the selection somewhere besides item[0] and see what happens. It is as if the damn thing needs a 'kick' to wake it up, and that kick is an active key. When I start at item[0], the down arrow and end keys act as the 'kick', then anything after that will work. When I start at item[n] (where n is not the first or last), the down arrow, up arrow, end key and home key all act as the 'kick', then any normal working key after that will work. When I start at item[x] (where x is the last), only the up arrow and home key will act as the 'kick'. I tried using the onChanged for the textbox and ran into another problem. The way this is set up, I have frames 1-10 as an introduction, frames 11-20 as lesson 1, 21-30 as lesson 2, etc. Lesson 1 is a lesson on using the main 'left nav' navigation. Lesson 2 is this bloody 'shortcut' navigation described above. If the user goes in order Introduction, Lesson 1, 2,3,4 etc. everything works great. The problem is, when the user wants to repeat lesson 2 (user clicks 'repeat' button, gotoandPlay(21), set textbox variable back to "") the onChanged event won't fire the second time through. I've attached a trace to the onChanged and to a seperate onKeyUp. Both read the value of the text box. onKeyUp shows that the variable is, indeed, changing. onChanged won't fire. I replaced the onChanged with onKeyUp, kept everything else the same, and now it works perfectly. The funny thing is, when I was using the onChanged, I didn't have the listbox troubles. Now using the onKeyUp, it works great on repeat, but I have listbox troubles. For now, I've added a third listener that looks only for arrow down. After the list box is visible and has focus, on the first arrow down, I move the selection to item[1], and removeListener. This both moves the selection (as a user would expect) and it provides the 'kick' needed to make further key presses actually do something. While it works, it's not pretty. You know what? It's first thing in the morning and I haven't gotten my coffee yet. Give me an hour and I'll see if I can find someplace to put up my flash file for you all to dig through. Thanks [Edit: coffee down, mobrul happy.] [url=http://mobrul.formclot.net/oa/navigation.zip]Flash file, zipped[/url] My problems happen at frames 20 and 21. Remember, this is a WIP. [This message has been edited by mobrul (edited 06-02-2003).]
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