OZONE Asylum
Real-Time Motion Capturing & Other Wacky Inputs
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Alrighty then, I'm back at University after a short break and I'm already in way over my head. I'm thinking about attempting to use real-time motion capturing as an input device to control a 3D VR of some kind. I feel a little bit like Alice in wonderland playing with this kind of stuff, but it's hell fun. The idea is similar to how motion capturing is done for 3D animation, but this would be simplified and well, processed in real-time. Meaning I'll have some monkey in a black jumpsuit with some coloured lights strapped to him and have several video cameras feeding images to a program to analyse the movements of those lights, which is then translated into input for the VR, which will be projected onto several large screens (we don't know exactly how many screens, data projectors and computers we have for this yet but It's probably about three, creating a bit of a VR Faux Cave) that surround said monkey in the jumpsuit. Sounds like fun yah? At present, this is just an idea I'm kicking around among several others but my lecturer (or professor, as is the term often used in most Universities) seems to like the idea and really wants me to pay some serious thought to it. I'll be using director for the capturing, processing and the 3D VR displays. I know it's not the fastest app around but it's one of the most flexible enabling me to keep everything inside the one program, and it's an extremely fast (as in time required to make) environment to develop in. Things I'm not too sure about is how accurate I'll be able to make this or even if it'll works, but assuming I could, It'd be nice to hear a bunch of suggestions as to what kind of environments I could apply this too, and what body movements I'd tie to controlling the VR. I've had a bunch of ideas about this myself, but I thought getting some extra outside opinions would help. Some other ideas I've had instead mainly revolve around alternative input devices like butchering a cheap joystick and strapping a skateboard on top of it. Fixing mice to seatbelt mechanism with handles instead of buckles making some kind of friction pulley input etc... So, any ideas on what I could do with motion capturing or ideas on wacky input devices that could be made from existing devices (rather cheaply) would be great to hear. [url=http://dracusis.deviantart.com/] [img]http://www.whatever.net.au/~cameron/files/images/ozone/ArtDecoSiggy.gif[/img] [/url]
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