OZONE Asylum
Real-Time Motion Capturing & Other Wacky Inputs
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Sorry Fig, I've decided to ditch this for now. Although your comments were helpful and I did check out the DVD's you recomended. As it turs out we have a profesional motion capture studio here at my University, but none of these suckers are built for realtime computation. They usualy work by flooding a room with Infa Red light, people in black jumpsuits have infared reflectors that get recorded by a special camera then once the captures are finished, they then begin to process the recorded video. Which takes about an hour per 10 minuites of captured motion. However, the main reason I've decided to ditch this is well... it would take a stupid ammount of work for very little return. Quite simply put, creating a realtime system with any kind of accuracy would require a bugjet higher than my annual wages, even then it wouldn't be that good. Useable, yes, but I also started to question how practical this kind of work would be. The other deciding factor for me abandoning this project was due to a lack of decent practical applications for it. I mean, I could do it on my budjet and it would work, but it wouldn't really do much due to a lack of accuracy. All of that and the limited development time = a project that is fun for all of about 30 seconds and only ever gets used by a handfull of people. And that's not what I want. I've since started rearching web based realtime cooperative multiplayer puzzle/3D games. Not as big on the wiz bang techy side of things, but fun none the less, and a little more feasible (<-sp?) as well. I might come back to these ideas later on in my studies, but this kind of work takes me a log way away from the web, which is not really the direction I want to head in. Although, with the flash communication server's ability to stream video from a users webcam, I could forsee myself trying to recreate the playstations iToy games with director at some point. Multiuser web cam games could prove hihgly amusing - given the users have the bandwidth to support it.
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