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Serious Dynamic Text Problem!
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Ok here is my problem….i have created a banner in flash, I have connected it to a database with cold fusion. Now I have my banner displaying all my dynamic text that you can click on and it will take you to that url. The text is displayed ex. Every 5 seconds there is a new text displayed; now here is what my problem is. I am using an auto number in my database for the newsid field. Say I get to my 4th item in my database that is being displayed; it is the 4th item and has the newsid of 4 as well. Now say I want to display the 5th item, it has the newsid of 9, it would take ex. 12 seconds to display the text because newsid still has to count until it finds item # 5 so it will count 4,5,6,7,8,9 and then it will display it because it has counted to the next newsid. How would I make it so that my flash movie can still receive the information but it doesn’t count the newsid and slow my movie down??? Now another problem is that whatever flashid is set to in the flash movie is how many items it displays, if the flashid is set to 6 (which it is) it will only display items that have a newsid of six and lower….now how can I change this without changing the database which pretty much can not be changed? This is still part of problem one and with figuring out problem one problem 2 should be simple. Ok so when my movie is complete this is what I am trying to achieve. I would like to have a movie that displays text every 5 seconds with no breaks in between text that loops forever. Here is my cold fusion code: and I will give you my code on my flash movie. COLDFUSION CODE: <cfquery name="ListResults" datasource="whats_new"> SELECT * FROM Newsitems WHERE appletflag = 1 AND newsid=#form.flashid# </cfquery> <cfoutput query="ListResults"> [b] <align="center">&title=<a href="#ListResults.url#" target="_new">#title#</a> &url=#url# [/b] loaded=1 </cfoutput> FLASH CODE: FRAME ONE flashid = 1; FRAME TWO loadVariablesNum ("query.cfm", 0, "POST"); FRAME FOUR if (loaded=="1") { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(4); } THE LAST FRAME loaded = 0; flashid=flashid+1; if ( flashid==6 ) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); } PLEASE HELP! Thank you so much for ALL your help! It is greatly appreciated! Karyn
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