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Dynamic Multimedia applications with Macromedia Director
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I believe there are ways to increase the stage size without scaling it. I've seen this done before with shockwave movies, but that may be only possible due to fact that the browser client can resize the plug-in. This can be done in flash since version 6 (maybe 5, but don't quote me on it), yet I'm not really sure how you'd go about resizing an application window, and how the stage size will react to it. Although, there are various ways to control the stage, and I've used director to create a prototype strategy game that would resize to variable resolution without "scaling" or "stretching" anything. Similar to the way the age of empires games can be run in different resolutions. But again, really not sure how'd you'd do it with a window. Perhaps if you created chrome less window (you?d have to coded all the resizing, dragging and close controls manually) then you probably could do it, as I've created chrome less splash windows and made them dragable around the desktop with some simple lingo code before, but resizing an actual native OS application window isn't part of directors default feature set. But I'd be surprised if there wasn't an xtra out there to do just that.
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