it would be more overhead than a flatfile!
Especially if you wanted to have comments as well.
First, there's no problem naming any file either .htsomething (which an apache server will not deliver via http) or maybe something.cgi, which will usually fail with a 500 Server Error (the asylum actually stores it's user data that way)
Option a) Store the array with serialize() into a file
-pro: terribly easy. Fast to read. Easy to manipulate. Even easier to write out.
-drawback: a bitch to edit by hand, although it is doable
Option b) Write a script that stores the array into 'php code', and adds the comments as necessary (of course, you'd need another array that contained an array of array('fieldname','comment') to put the comments back in. To get the data, just include the file. afterwards just run it through your translation script again.
-Pro: Can be maintained by hand and code. Outputs nothing but ''.
-Con: you need that translation script. Users may put stuff into the config file that doesn't belong there, it get's overwritten if it's not in the script that does the settings.
option c)
combine the two. write a php file that contains $myConfig = @unserialize('%%the_serialized_array%%').
-pro: user never sees anything from that one
if $myConfig is false, there is a definate problem with the config there.
-Con: Hard to edit by the user, any direct modifications that are not caught by your config script (ie. are outside the defined fields) get lost on the next rewrite.
so long,
Tyberius Prime