I have SQL adatabase at phpMyAdmin via my webhosting company. Not
being a computer wizard I wanted to start my own website with the
intension of starting a home based business.
Since I can not afford expensive courses, with God's help and his
kind people I was able to learn HTML, then Since 4 weeks I tried to
learn PHP, MSQL and installed PHP, MSQL & Apache on my Windows98
computer. All three aork perfectly well. I can build Databses and carry out all the small tutorial programs.
The tragedy is on the internet mostly the Free Tutorials are for
databe & PHP at the MSQL> prompt. My webhosting company gave me the login information to access the phpMyAdmin database. Most of the
command from the tutorial don't work in my program & when I try to
access my database the program just sits very quite. It opens something
but then nothing happens. I don't even know if it is accessing the
I have designed in HTML the webpage to display my products pictures but I want the HTML program to be able to read the product details from my phpMyAdmin database and display the details in a table with my add into shopping cart button linked to each product. Thanks to Mal's free shopping cart I plan to link these products to the add to shopping cart button if only I know how to do it.
I am very tired and feel very sorry that all my hard work is just going
to waste. Could you please help me! I would really appreciate it and be
greatful to God Al-Mighty for your help.
Thank you.
Khan Naz
Khan Naz