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<!--Stops at door and listens. Low growl coming from inside and a voice screaming..?Get the F*** off ma mop you smelly, flea ridden lil rat?? Realising ~vp~ has got his hands full with Toe Muncher, I slowly open the door. Shiii comes running down corridor shouting?.?No ~vp~ don?t hurt my baby??.with that, DG comes out of anti room and lands Toe Muncher hefty boot up rear, launching the hapless creature (still clutching a mouthful of ~vp?s~ mop head) onto the inebriated form of DL-44, who?s cuddled up to a plastic doll that?s covered in duct tape and passing wind loudly every time he moves in his sleep. DG (now in fits of manic laughter) realising that his Doc Martens are useful after all, proceeds to jump up and down on ~vp?s~ mop, whilst ~vp~ (now totally enraged) launches contents of bucket (containing puse ridden Slime) in DG?s direction. Having, slipped on some Slime that our illustrious janitor missed, DG crashes against door and - realising his survival depends upon it ? exits and disappears toward ?E? Wing. Toe Muncher ? being unceremoniously dumped on DL ? proceeds to attack said inebriated fellow, finally running off down corridor with ?Penelopes? left leg in his mouth and several strands of ~vp?s~ mop head dangling from his collar with Shiii and Krets in hot pursuit. Gently ushered into corridor by Eyeman who is followed in by the man himself bedecked in white coat and arse about face baseball cap. He grins warmly from behind his specs and surveys the scene as a hush falls and the only audible sound being that of ~vp~ sobbing over the destruction of his beloved mop. 'hehe' he mutters. Taking my cue, I slip quietly out the door, lifting one of Boudgas pears as I go, and amble on past The Roy, twitch and Mikey playing poker for meds. --> 'Gotta find Steve and sort out these fake outworker passes for a week fishing in the mountains'
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