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Yep, I'm picturing two sorts of commentary for these matches, one, the players, discussing what they've done (or not, perhaps simply taunting each other?), the other the running commentary of the "peanut gallery", either viewable or not as the visitors to the site choose. Perhaps each game could have a place for a "post-game analysis", for commentary after the fact as well. It also seems to me that the fun of competition is a great reward, but some people might like the chance to actually *win* a match too. Maybe we could set up panels of judges, kind of like a boxing match does? Each judge (chosen, how?) might have a set number of points to allocate to each volley, either to one contestant or both, split as they choose. At the end it gets added up and winners are announced, and points are earned. We could set up matches, have tournaments, climb the rankings, etc... could be fun! Or not. We should approach the cut-throat competition aspect gently, otherwise we'll end up with bad feelings, that'd be no good. Thoughts? Each registered user will need a bio section, who they are, what different skills etc. they might possess, as well as their current rankings. There should also be links to the matches they've competed in, which should be archived nicely and searchable, by name or by dates. (Possibly by keywords? Matches would then need some kind of meta information saved for them, or we could do a free search on the commentary text? Picture a search for "tennis skirt", it'd probably find 1/3 of the matches! :-) I'm thinking it'll be nice if the contestants talk about what they did and how during the matches, but do *not* think we should host tutorials here, instead we send them to the GurusNetwork, Handson, or the Asylum for more indepth chatting about what's to be learned. Heh, this is just rambling on my part, trying to picture what's to be happening here. I do think that simple and direct is for the best, let this be a site about Photoshop Pong, and nothing else. If this catches on in a big way, I can picture people using their rankings in the ladder on their job resumés! Sponsorships, which could turn into cash pårizes! (Or possibly computer junk or software, who can tell?) For now, it should be about fun, bragging rights and prestige, that ought to be plenty for everyone now, no? Please, somebody else jump in and help me ramble about features we want, cool? Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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