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I take this place is the place for ideas for PSpong.com then? Doc your talking about a grid is that the grid style on [url=http://www.znippets.com/ZscrollBar2/]This[/url] (the grid under the text I am referring to), because I think that is less distracting to the viewer of the site as the lines are small and don't stand out much on the page, than the Photoshop grid. Well here goes I hope I don't get thrown out for my opinions on this :), Also I was thinking about breaking into a clean style to it site, I mean by this breaking out of the style that all the other sites linked with this one (handson, gurusnetwork , etc). I say this because I think this type of style is getting old now and to me looks very factory driven type styles (All what tutorials can show you and no real creativity there as far as graphics go), I know this sounds wired from some one who has not been around long and have not been involved a lot, but I like to be different, unless the style you want is to fit in the rest on the sites linked with this, which is good as all the site will have the same sort of style to them, than Pspong.com being the odd one out as far as the style goes. I can make some ideas on what I mean if you want? Maybe I have express to much about how much I like graphics tutorials (which I don't like at all even though they do bringing a lot of traffic to sites who have them), but it is just my option, so I suppose I will be ejected out of this forum now because of my views on tutorials. [url=http://www.ccdigital.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/]Chris C[/url]
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