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DS: You are never going to get thrown out of here for stating your opinion and esp. not when you are prepared to back it up with suggestions for design improvements!! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. As to content its all pretty much up for discussion expect the front page to have some links to: 1. The current active games 2. A links section 3. An admin section for the user to log in, upload their pics, change their preferences, etc. 4. Some link boxes back to here, GN, handson, etc. 5. A store, if its deemed a good idea (and we can get something working to automate the volume of stuff generated) 6. A kind of spectators gallery where they can view all the active games, and from their drop in and leave comments, etc. 7. FAQs - v. important (should have that higher up the list). Aim for something like that and how probably won't go far wrong. I suspect the aim will be to get it automated using server side scripting so it will be updated without having to have anyone intervene too much and keep it light so it'll load quickly even for us dialup monkeys. OK pos. a little too much to ask for but see what you make of that. Emps [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/emps_oz_sig.gif[/img] [b]You're my wife now Dave[/b]
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