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Sir Doyle, I was thinking about how to easilly collaborate between s-side/database and client-side workers. And I had a couple of ideas :) About the "poll" thing, don't worry at all. The whole structure beahves just like a forum, each "vote" is a post, just a record, a few ks somewhere. Understand that the db structure is completely flexible but very simple. What we need to do, here, is set up rules for the variable names, as much as possible. I think s-side workers should prepare "handlers", for you to easilly place elements. Like variables to let you get exactly what you want and put it where you want it. For example, the "match" section, where two users meet and play, would "contain" the following variables: match_title player1_name player2_name votes[] [i]array[/i] Strictly "contents variables", just stuff you got to cut/paste. All you got to add to your HTML code would be <?= player1_name ?> to display the desired info. The database in my mind can hold anything, from HTML to javascript. This means that you just design the pages, in HTML, name "ranges" of text, or code, or custom css definition, or whatever you'd want to add, with variable names, and php coders can "feed" those empty ranges with dynamic contents. Sounds cool? [This message has been edited by InI (edited 12-06-2001).]
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