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"PS Pong brothers"
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Emps: You're right about that quilt thing. Take a look at [url=http://ds9r.com/digitalquilt/]http://ds9r.com/digitalquilt/[/url] - me and DS actually have made a quilt at that site, if you take a look at the completed -> quilt 31 -> there it is :-) Mine and DSs work! I was talking about xp.no was suggesting to do something like this. They'll do a little twist on it, it's not just designers involved. First a writer serves, then it's passed to a designer, then passed to a musician. Get the idea? So it's not just for the designers, but also for writers and musicans. But that's a little bit off-topic! One more thing - [url=http://www.surfstation.lu]surfstation[/url] - they have something like this. Take a look at the 'revolution', it's to original images as is passed to 3 different designers... very cool that too! Schitzo: Yea, I like the way coudla does it too, would have to agree with you there - very nice and clean! [url=http://www.softhead.net]Softhead[/url] [This message has been edited by Softhead (edited 12-07-2001).]
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