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Not a very good approach in terms of flexibility. You're limiting the number of posts, match and match_user_link tables could be one table, a couple of other improvements can be made. Try to think "objects", because it is all about object languages. We need a "PSpong" root object, then children will be all the possible objects depending on PSpong, like PSpong.match (to put it in a javascript/java pseudo syntax) Then think properties, like PSpong.match.id, and methods, the application level elements, the functions you'll have to build. PSpong.match[1].getVotes for example, a very important "suggestion", as it allows infinite voting for a match. Votes in the "Votes" table can be linked to the "Match" table, in the db, meaning that "PSpong.match[1].getVotes" will simply have to return the result of a "SELECT vote_date, vote_contents, vote_id.. FROM Votes WHERE match_id=" & variable. Could I fly through your code and add comments, for you to re-read, or just make simple corrections to the db? I'm ok, it's a tough time, but I'm ok, and want to change my mind a little bit. Before I fly to Italy for the fu.. well, you know.
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