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TP: You've done an impressive amount of work there - I can't claim that my use of OOP in PHP is quite where I'd like it to be and I'm currently having trouble testing PHP offline (it never rains but it pours) but that all made sense. As you have done quite a lot of the backend work I thought it might be a good idea to mock up a crude front end (its pretty skeletal so it should fit with whatever layout is decided upon) so I've uploaded it into the folder you created on the Portland account and can send you a zip if required. The pages are in place to view the user's data, game stats, current matches, matches, mark a match or player, etc. (the player's side will be a version of this) although everything is clearly hard coded rather than being drawn from the DB but hopefully it should give you an idea of how things hang together. If you are cool with that then we can start slicing up the pages into includes and dropping the relevant bits of PHP in, as well I assume, as creating spoof accounts for testing purposes. I have forgotten to create a comments page and there are a few notes around about reloading and redirecting and I'll sort them out now (I keep thinking of things I've missed) but it seems to work OK. A few notes: 1. Sorry about all the red I tend to use it for testing purposes. 2. It won't yet work in NS4.x but I should be able to produce a solution. 3. Its really only been been tested in IE5 (although it does seem to work OK in Op5 although it will need more work to look right). 4. There appears to be an error with the PHP on the mark page (lack of testing). Its all starting to look quite promising. Emps [img]http://www.miscminutiae.com/sig/emps_oz_sig.gif[/img] [b]You're my wife now Dave[/b]
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