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Vote On Logos (Warning: heavy traffic thread)
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Well 7 & 10 (and 9, but that?s the same as 10) does it for me, why you ask? Well 1 & 10 are more like what logos should compared to the rest of the others which in my view are half logo and half banner or header. I think the rest are good but would fill the page and give less page content to be shown on first look with out scrolling down the page. That?s my view on this, but I still think more input, more ideas would help to find a suitable logo for PSpong. I will make some logos and some more layouts if I can, when I get better after being ill for the past few days. I see TP has moved this place a little to get us all moving again, which is great :D and the code is almost done so I think it's time to test and design the front end of this site to what we have done with the code, as the front end started and faded away (don't know why?). I think we have good starting points like logos and layouts plus the nice code to start things rolling again. What do you think? [url=http://www.ccdigital.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/]Chris C[/url]
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