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Uh, if the initial designer doesn't account for liquid design, then the project really will be f**ked on the fronted right from the get-go. It's nice to see the backend coming together so well, but there's definitely some falling apart happening around this design. Too many chiefs? Or just too many people wanting to be at the top, but noone really running the show? If this is going to take off as a collaborative effort, then teams for the backend, frontend, architecture, maintenance, and coordination should really get shaped up before all this willy-nilly chickenheadedness gets out of hand. I think it's time that someone who has a stake in this steps in to start thinking of a REAL collaborative model. Even for as ludicrously swamped as I am right now, I can see that this is going nowhere, fast. I remember this thing called c2x2... [This message has been edited by DarkGarden (edited 01-09-2002).]
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