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IT works - pure php/jpeg lib for php :)
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BUTCHER, sorry if I gave you too strong emotions, I'm only busy trying to build up whatever I find cool on my free time, in this case, an snippet for PSpong's server side builders. Let's discard the jpg solution for a moment.. [quote] Pugzly, regarding the netbpms, the choice is yours, but seriously, if it's a task that has to be performed several times, we need the netBPM lib to be fast & reliable. [/quote] It is a question, butcher, to you and Pugzly and bitdamaged. I knew TP had already tried to implement something with netBPM, it didn't seem to work well (but I don't know... TP seemed to welcome my offer). So sorry for the offence... Another quote of my damn "ego". [quote] Excellent, but I don't like the idea of using an alternate image format. For a simple reason, file access is a heavy task (if not the heavier), so multiple file accesses, conversion to netbpm formats, from netbpm formats... [/quote] Can you read excellent as my comment about your script? Blind, maybe a bit warmed by the fact I was trying to offer an alternate solution. But then again, everything is open, I'm just using my free time and my own rented web space to try to make a proposal. Nothing more than a proposal. You got another ( which seems nice, but raises questions) ? You got mail? Able to type also, apparently.. Then go ahead. And fuck you and anybody who misunderstands my enthusiasm for these kind of things, I thought you we had at least in common a passion. Then, with such an attitude, you still can ask your psychiatrist why you think I consider myself superior while I found your work excellent? But I guess it would be better to grab your ***** and send Pugzly a mail, or set up a quick demo, or whatever. This is an open project, I don't have any "magic power" over it, Pugzly has some, so move if you feel like. But please, not overreacting towards me: you want me out? Who else?... Because I could quit because of assholes like you.
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