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yes, my code was so far, that I was playing games with myself on my own apache... but without a method of creating thumbs and checking jpegs for validity, there was no way, it was gonna fly on the pspong server. If InI get's the phpJPEG thing to fly, I can implement it into the code and draw a diagram for the front end coders. But now, there's my final finals (which are terrible here in germany) coming up in exactly (*calculating*) 186 hours, or just about a week, and they'll be over on thursday. By monday in two weeks I just might be sober enough again to take charge of the server-side once again. I'll be free for more than a month then to do whatever I wish, so if you want me to take charge, I could. But I don't really want to :-) so long, TP, who will now go back to studying.
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