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Jpeg or netpbm, open technical work
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well, we could use netPBM. The code would only be used at one place, that being whenever a new volley is posted. Since I don't expect us to get more than a volley/minute (grossly exagerating here), netPBM should be safe to us. Just stick butchers solution into the addvolley.php instead of the gd lib, and you're all set. I'd do it right now, but studying is my prime objective right now, for at least another week. But others got my code as well (note: there's an update to the mysql.php I did today... nothing major, just improved prettyDate a bit... we might want to incoperate that later on). But on the other hand, InI's soultion would be way cool! (hey, Ini, you might want to try to contact the guy who wrote [url=http://www.irfanview.com]Irfanview[/url], I think he uses a custom jpeg decoding engine. so long, Tyberius Prime
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