OZONE Asylum
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I have a diary? Hmm, I'll have to go and read that sometime. The ring is just a lark, and no real time has gone into maintaining it really, rings are so common, why *shouldn't* we have one? =) A whole lotta good things have come out of this forum, well over 1000 members, active and helpful and smart, none of the horrible backbiting and tantrums we seem to see on so many other boards. I remember when the GurusNetwork was launched from these very pages, now it's got a life of it's own, and promises to be one of the biggest and best tutorial sites out there, not just pointers to other peoples cool stuff, but *real original material*, cool beans. (PS: There are no real requirements for being in the ring. I have to approve the site, with the minimum requirement being having the ring links in place! Mostly it's folks who know and hang ouut here in the asylum, no surprise there.) Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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