OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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Moaiz - By no means will this be a knock-off of any particular site. I suppose it was inspired by my daily surfing, but the idea has changed so often now, its almost completely different from my first post. The main focus of this site is fun. The second focus is to make lots of money. This is our unique backbone. Just kidding. Ducati - You out there? I want to find out how you feel about using your domain? This is your domain don't forget. If you don't want us to use it or want to use it for yourself I could always tempt you with making you an editor. In all seriousness though IM me later today and we'll talk about it. Reitsma - smacks reitsma with a tuna. In the spirit of American patriotism (all of you who aren't from the states will have to look on in envy) 'Lets roll' I think the sections should be as vague as possible. We don't need anything to tie us down. I was thinking 'articles', 'artists', 'authors', 'reviews', and 'techniques'. How does everyone feel about these? Feel free to add input. Nothings perminent. Maybe we can all draw up some mock designs? Im off on spring break, I have plenty of time on my hands. Why don't we really jump feet first into this and get started. I think we need to set up some sort of systematic program of submitting articles. Decide on editors. Finalize our sections and choose a layout. Maybe we could use an unrealistic deadline, say April 1st? Edit: April 1st isn't unrealistic. Maybe we can try and see if we can get everything finalized by March 14th and the first issue out for April 1st? Any thoughts? -------------- cheers.jay [This message has been edited by Jestah (edited 03-08-2002).]
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