OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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Oh yeah, I hear you both (DL and InI), you both have good points, and mucho insight. InI, I totaly dig the small team approach for most projects, and the enhanced teams for bigger jobs, I just finished two jobs just like that, me for coding, malin for graphics, and this other guy robert for project leading, it worked *beautifully*. Small projects can be the best. [quote][b]"I'm happy."[/b] _ DL-44[/quote]Good for you! DL, you go work in the yard, and don't worry about any bitching you get directed at you. *I* value you, and your presence here, you're my friend, and a big part of what makes this place go. I proposed this "do some damn webdesign!" project not as a punishment of any sort, instead as more of a "good karma" project. I hear bad things from time to time, I deal with it by just going about my business and having fun with it, I think that's a great message to share with people, teaching by example. Plus, I just think it'd be cool if we all created something neat to post here in this forum. Kind of a little "easter egg" for the general inmate population, imagine their surprise when the word gets out! I may do something completely new, the changeMinds.com project was already so well developed, it seems like cheating to use that one, so I'll try and think of something new... Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url] [This message has been edited by DocOzone (edited 03-10-2002).]
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