OZONE Asylum
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Phil, that site of yours is a masterpiece, truly! I watch a lot of people learn to do this stuff, but the only time it all really clicks together is after you've got a definite project you want to do, *need* to do! I read through a whole bunch of other "trucker tales", lots of good reading there! I had a friend who was planning to do a site for Harley owners, basically a website where they could simply and easily make a "look at my bike!" webpage for themselves. Ostensibly people would use this to sell their bikes, but we were both honest, the main draw would have been vanity. Maybe you could add a "Is my truck hot or not?" module to this site, people could post pictures of their rigs for voting! :-) You go finish the other 3/4 of that site and we'll call your obligation complete. ;) Oh! Malin gave me the idea for Fragile Space, I love it! I'm going to use a slight modification of my Calendar of Events script and start loading that site full of stories, my stories. As anyone who nows me well can tell you, I have a damn near bottomless pit of silly anecdotes and stories about strange things that have happened to me, so now maybe I'll write a few down. I had another idea about building seperate meta data relating to stored articles, and I thought I'd work on it here. Instead of following a link to different texts, you'd type in free text which it would match with my meta information on the texts, and then deliver another of my famous monologues, hopefully related. ;-) I expect to have fun. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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