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Oh, and.......yes. I do take it personally. Why? Because I'm sick of all these people who talk so much about how what i say doesn't matter hanging on my every word and throwing bitch fits about it. :) [img]http://www.in-dented.com/sigs/eggsig.gif[/img] {{{edit - ok, due to some things I've picked up on Q, let me just clarify - I'm not upset with Shi, in fact I understand her and her sense of humor. Like most of you do not. We have spoken, as we often do, and she understands that my comments were not aimed at her, but rather at the few people who would take *her* comments in a serious manner. Just as I understand that her comments were not aimed in any serious manner at DG or myself. Much to the dismay of certain people I'm *sure* oh well. Didn't build a website, but I spent the last two days in the yard, digging and building and breaking and stacking stone.....man I love that. I'm happy. Just sick of whiny bitch cock suckers. But hey........that's life. Ah well. Thanks for the break in the conversation Doc - I really truly appreciate your objective view and your easy going attitude. Thank you for keeping this place alive. :D 'night all. [This message has been edited by DL-44 (edited 03-10-2002).]
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