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Skaarjj: I really don't think it has anything to do with the posting rate (more the content and manner) and we should be clear also that TN_1 was displaying troll-like behaviour which doesn't mean that they are THE troll (who is responsible for the recent racist posts) or even that they are A troll but if you are green, smell, hide under bridges and scare billy goats gruff then people will start talking. I've seen similar things happen before (and of course the classic case where someone's first post is a recommendation of a product - classic troll behaviour but it often turns out that people aren't trolls at all) and things are often resolved by people pointing out that they are acting in a troll-like manner - the fact that TN_1 has gone quiet, as they were asked to, while cb gives the details to the Doc, is a good sign. We've overcome worse and accepted people into the Asylum :) Just my perspective on things (and there are a million different ones here - taking into account Wakkos' multiple presonalities). [edit: I think Skaarjj's broader point is another good one we'd be well advised to take on board. Recent events have made us jumpy and we should try not to jump on people accussing them of wrongdoing until we have good evidence] ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=53]Emperor[/url]
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