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The CGI script can only return some data to the browser. The browser will try to interpret that data as an image. If it's unable to interpret it as an image, it will simple ignore the data and place a red X in place of the image. This data returned from the script can't do *anything* but be displayed as an image, unless the browser is written to allow it to do otherwise. No browsers that I know of are written like that (it would be an obvious security hole that the programmers would have to create on purpose). It's not something that could accidentally happen in the browser. (That would be like, "whoops, i was expecting a jpeg image, but you instead sent me HTML code which I executed... even though I was expecting an image.") If the script returned HTML, it would be ignored by the browser. Note that this happens separately from the loading of the original page, much as the downloading of an image is separate from the loading of the page that contains it.
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