OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
nInI - *glitches explained*
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InI: As usul the Doc is right :) I'm afraid that the coding paths you walk are ones which are beyond most of us so it might appear that we ignore or don't appreciate some of the things you do (althouh we do appreciate a lot of things you do - in both meanings of the word) but the problem is that most of us just don't have the level of skills required to even understand :( So when we do research a topic some of these things are old hat to you but are new discoveries to us (even though you may have pointed them out months ago). You said: [quote] Some time ago, I mailed Slime, complaining about the fact it's hard for me to communicate what I got, and wanting to "pass it to him so someone else can answer about Java and such". [/quote] and although I am a shameless self-promoter I still think the FAQ is the best answer to the problem - we might not get it at the time but you can guarantee that at some point we will need the knowledge you pass on and having it in there in easily accessible form would help side step any misunderstanding. Give it some thought anyway - I'll give you what ever help you require on that front. [Apologies: To those clever enough to understand all of the things InI comes up with but I know there are more of us in the other category ;) ] ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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