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ooh, RC cars! I want a helicopter, or maybe one of those little blimps you can fly inside, yah! I suppose a FAQ would be nice too, heh. Mainly, your duties as monitors is maybe to see we don't drift off topic? I was drifting off last night, and that made me think about that movie by Tom Hanks, "Castaway". It was pretty good, though I get kinda tired of Tom Hanks sometimes, he seems to be everywhere, and they kind of dragged some scenes out too long for my taste. Speaking of remote desert islandds, we just saw the first episode of "Tempatation Island", one of those "we'll watch you with cameras" shows, only this time they have 4 couples, and 24 good looking single people, half girls and half guys. They split the couples up, and now they have to date all these good looking singles. They also get to watch hidden videos of their mates having great times on their dates, how's that for drama? What were we talking about, oh yeah! Drama. Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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