Stats for the 10th:
Current Rank: 4,407
Total blocks to search: 68,719,476,736
Total blocks checked: 431,040
Days working: 53
Overall Rate: 25,267.82 kkeys/second
OZONE Asylum completed 8,086 blocks yesterday at a sustained rate of 25,122 Kkeys/second!
OZONE Asylum is ranked #642 for yesterday!
The odds are 1 in 6,737 that this team will find the key before anyone else does.
we rose (gulp) 27.
Personal stats:
Rank Participant First Last Yesterday % Total %
1 Dr. Thaddeus Ozone 19-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 4,299 53.17 161,202 37.40
2 Piper 23-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 1,854 22.93 128,294 29.76
3 19-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 534 6.60 49,173 11.41
4 Nevex 30-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 496 6.13 41,528 9.63
5 Human Shield 30-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 359 4.44 27,330 6.34
6 Emperor 30-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 365 4.51 7,216 1.67
7 u-neek 28-Aug-2001 10-Oct-2001 64 0.79 6,713 1.56
8 PennyLane 5-Sep-2001 10-Oct-2001 101 1.25 6,398 1.48
9 WarMage 31-Aug-2001 17-Sep-2001 0 0.00 2,668 0.62
10 22-Aug-2001 23-Aug-2001 0 0.00 469 0.11
11 4-Oct-2001 10-Oct-2001 14 0.17 49 0.01
GRUMBLE: I notice you did a bit of crunching - still getting your heat problems?
You're my wife now Dave