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Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: Houston, TX, USA
Insane since: Apr 2000

posted posted 04-26-2003 04:23

the austin area would probably support that idea bugs. not so sure about the rest of the state



Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: New California
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 04-26-2003 05:02

Austin! I knew it was one of those larger cities but I couldn't remember which.

Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

Insane since: Apr 2003

posted posted 04-26-2003 05:04

who the hell is Mary Cheney...!!!
muerte a los malditos republicanos que tienen al mindo paras arriba...

georgetwn girl
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: New york. New York
Insane since: Apr 2003

posted posted 04-26-2003 05:09

She is Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter.

"whenever I find myself on the side of the majority, I pause and reflect. " Mark Twain

Obsessive-Compulsive (I) Inmate

Insane since: Apr 2003

posted posted 04-26-2003 05:13

je ne sais pas nothing about eso....thank you, im reading about her...

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: New California
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 04-26-2003 07:24
Remember what Cheney said during the campaign re: homosexuals? With that i rest my case.

Actually, I don't remember. Can you refresh my memory please?

georgetwn girl
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: New york. New York
Insane since: Apr 2003

posted posted 04-27-2003 02:27

Quote: Cheney said this> People should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into. It's no ones business in terms of regulating behavior in that regard, The next stop then of course, the question you ask is wheather or not there ought to be some kind of official sanction of the relationships or if they should be treated the same as a traditional marriage. That is a tougher problem. That's not a slam dunk. The fact of the matter is that matter is regulated by the states. I think different states will come to different conclusions, and that's appropriate. I don't think there should be a Federal policy in this area. Unquote

He never talked about it not being moral. He did not frame it as a choice but did say it was something to be tolerated several times.

He took alot of heat from the far religious right. Fallwell and Gary Bauer condemned Cheney for his remarks. They said he was wrong and what he was saying would be a social disaster for the American family.

Kudos to him though....days later when asked with the firestorm all around him he never once tried to "spin" the story..

He did say though that Mary would have a role beyond the convention. I understand why she hasn't.....but it would have been ground-breaking if she did. Our children are our children..... I would have admired him for that. That's my thoughts on it.....I could be wrong.
I would like to talk with you soon about the vegetarian life when you get a minute.

"whenever I find myself on the side of the majority, I pause and reflect. " Mark Twain

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau
Insane since: Sep 2002

posted posted 04-27-2003 04:12

The following two Quotes from this thread:

'Actually, '-phobia' is used to denote "extreme fear, intolerance or aversion for".'


"...would like to talk with you soon about the vegetarian life when you get a minute."

although totally unrelated and taken out of context, these quotes made me stop and think.

I'm not in the least Homophobic. I generally don't much care who puts what where, or with who. After all, I'm really much more concerned with my sex life than anybody elses.

But I have to draw the line somewhere. That's right, I'm talking about vegetables. I admit it, I'm Vegephobic. I don't want them anywhere near my food...period. I won't tolerate them in my refegerator and if I had my way, they would sold in a seperate store. And what if my kids decide that vegetables are ok? How will I live with that? And don't even get me started about fruit....

georgetwn girl
Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: New york. New York
Insane since: Apr 2003

posted posted 04-27-2003 04:48

))))) You made your point.....

"whenever I find myself on the side of the majority, I pause and reflect. " Mark Twain

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: the Asylum ghetto
Insane since: Oct 2002

posted posted 04-27-2003 05:01

norm: oh my! that gave me a good laugh thanks!

as for the rest of this stuff....
i have gay/lesbian friends and relatives. i don't much care about what people are doing in their own homes. i think that they should be allowed to be married and enjoy all the legalities that go along with it...like insurance covering the spouse..stuff like that. i think gays/lesbians should have almost all the same rights as any other person..... the one thing i DON'T think is ok, is a homosexual couple raising children. that's the only thing i really have a gripe about. there's obviously no real way to legislate that, so it's kinda moot!
as for sodomy, i didn't realize that it was ONLY gay men that participated in this. there's pleanty of straight folks into this as well. i don't think that the government should be allowed to say what can and cannot happen between 2 (or more in some cases) consenting adults.
really, what floats my boat, may very well sink someone elses!

how is legislation like that enforced anyways??? seriously?! i don't think i've ever heard of someone going to jail for 'committing sodomy'..... is it really enforcable??? i'm aware that states say it's illegal.... i had just assumed that they were old laws that were still there and not enforced.
(i'm really asking...i'm not being a smartass )

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