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Preserved Topic: Am I good enough? Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Preserved Topic: Am I good enough?" rel="nofollow" >Preserved Topic: Am I good enough?\

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Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: NY, USA
Insane since: May 2002

posted posted 05-21-2002 10:19

hey, guys. Been watching you guys for a while now. I've been practicing with a few friends and I'd like to know if you think I'd be a worthy opponent. I'd love to play but I don't know if I'm good enough. Here's an example of a match between my friend Salitra and I. Take a look and tell me what you think. Thanks!

~ Kine

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Happy Hunting Grounds...
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 05-21-2002 14:36

Welcome Kine to the Asylum...first of all, read the rules and guidelines here and then go to 'I wanna play' here

You will be matched up with someone presently....

First read, then do.

Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: Austin, TX
Insane since: Apr 2002

posted posted 05-23-2002 20:58

sign up. join up. Follow what few rules there are. Have a good time. it's not so much a -competition,- per se, as much as it is a way to showcase one's skills. There are people of all skill levels here, I'm sure. Heck, my 'opponent' for the last challenge hasn't even shown up yet, hardly. I'm pretty sore about that, but oh well.

Hope to see you in the next match. If you designed that website, then you'll do just fine


ICQ 7514404
AIM Anamacha

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