OZONE Asylum
POW Week 4: Long Exposure
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Ok guys just went through a fucking ridiculous conversation with one of my fiends. Especially about that bridge by krets ! The contrast in the image is quite stunning, great camera work and what the image does lack is pretty much everything one would teach during a creative class wether it be first photography class or first drawing. It lacks style, an artistic expression, the fact that you are taking a picture of a bridge just retrieves your personality outwards. You dont know what you are doing with that camera, nor do you have any idea of an artistic expression. Yet the artist does portray some of this ideal in moving ice where they have a nice composition, nice colours and a tiny bit of mystique. There is no notion behind the movingice image, its just a nice composition overall but its 100 times more pleasuable to look at than one of the bridge. I would rate this artist as an average camera techie and beginner in photography. You have what it takes, just spend some time reading art-history books, get into the idea of understanding great works of art, ask yourself questions on why they put this here and why this there because 99% of the time there is a reason for everything down to the finest detail.. a line... so long... Art
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