OZONE Asylum
Mechani-masturbation or art?
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I haven't been here long at all but it's definitely occurred to me that, on seeing people's photos, that their inspiration/motivation has been mainly technology based and not art based. The photos here have a definite ring of "look what my camera can do!" instead of "look what I can do with my camera!". People here are clearly in love with their mechanical eyes, but tend to hold back the human eye: the imagination. Now, that post over on POW 4 just got me thinking. I'm nothing but a hobbyist but I certainly try to take photos that have some kind of concept behind them (even sometimes taking photos with deliberately no (conscious) concept behind them). As much as I'm trying to master the technical aspect of photography to get what I want out of my cameras, it's only so I can develop my technical capacities to the point where I no longer have to think about them so I can concentrate on style and content. Style and concent is, by definition, a very subjective thing; composition is a personal thing, so is colour and exposure settings - effects. The only thing required of a photographer after technical profficiency is for his vision to be supported by a photograph's, or a series of photographs' inner logic. Basically: does it work as a photograph or not? That guy on POW4 suggested everyone go out and study their art history books. What a wonderful suggestion! By all means, everyone should continue to tinker around with their weapons of choice to attain technical profficiency but I think anyone serious about photography should also crack open those art history books, crack open their journal or blog and get writing about where you're at and what you're trying to do. Study past masters and critique your own work. And shoot every day. Technology is an amazing thing but it's no replacement for the human eye. I'm curious about what anyone things about all that... :)
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