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Mechani-masturbation or art?
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ASPTAMER: "As far as reading art history books goes, I've read some, and nothing in them told me how to make a better PHOTOGRAPH. Art history is for painting, not photographs. If it's all the same (AND IT IS) to Rawbot69 and other similar-minded people - good for them. I disagree. Photography is representing things not only the way you see them, but also the way THEY ARE. Art is just the artist's perception. " Well then you arent trully reading and understanding what Art History is all about. Art is a form of expression, a creation... In the next few sentences I will compare/equal art to life... In order to create any form of art you need to understand line and/or colour (this is merely an example). LIFE AND ART All vertibrates and insects pose of 8 simular building steps, humans pose 32 of these basic building steps which we call genes. but they are 32 because through 400,000 million years of evolotion we have managed to evolve more than 1 copy of each building step, to be exact 4, which differ one from another. So it is an array of 8 elements with 4 elements in each element which slightly differ one from another. But what is interesting is that the same 8 "steps" or basic statements are used to generate millions of different insects and vertebrates (birds, animals), the reason all of them are different is due to DNA structure... yet steps of the building process stay the same. For example a BAT has fingers just like we do, but they are longated with skin in between which make its wings. This same mechanism to create a bat is used to create humans as well. Also if you study bone structure of many mamals vs bone structure of bugs you will find much of simularities between connection of these bones. I can apply the same notion to creating of any form of artistic expression. There are key elements that go into that expression... some of the fundemental elements are you (the creator) and your tools wether it be a canvas, brushes, paint vs film & camera. Exact same fundemental approach is applied during the creation process. That is... you are not the creator. The painting is what is creating itself you are simply providing the vital force and your input. The same goes with a phograph or a poem. When you walk around and you make attempt at writing a poem, you don't actually have a specific plan in mind. You think of a word and then another word "appears" and so on. You are affected by every word you put into a poem therefor you are not the one who is making a poem. You are simply a tool in the "hands" of a poem because you are beeing affected / inspired by the poem itself. And the environment serves as an inspiration as well, everything you see affects your brain. Because you did not actually pre-plan the poem you weren't the creator of the poem, but there is a fundumental set of ideas on which your poem was created. Same goes with photography. When you walk around taking images you pose of no vision, no pre-plan or set of ideas. You carry the tool - a camera with you and I hope some charged batteries or film and take images as you find something that looks particular and you take a snap shot. The fact that you captured it doesn't mean that you controlled the process of creation for situation needed to happen, you had not pre-planned that manifestation. You only pose of an exquisite attention and that is your job in the process. And what you try to find is something that fits your description of a good image, that is composition, good colour, depth, quiddity, spiritual notion etc. And the more of these fundemental momentous signitures collected the better the image. At times an image may pose of beautiful colour and pose no balance in these fundumental signitures or a particular theme which one tries to capture. Images are like beeings in their own manifestation they live through our persception, we are tools to creation and we are creators all in one, a helix of life. Painting and Photography are two very simular subjects, they both are geared towards capturing essence of a particular subject. You may walk on the street, get inspired and go home paint that image and since you have had more time you will decept that image and create your own reality.... and the same concept can be EASILY applied to photography. Again one walks on a street and gets inspired by a particular subject, whips out a camera, puts on all the filters he wants and captures an image or no filters at all. You are still holding that camera and you are still pointing and capturing and controlling that camera and you are to choose the "Kodak moment". With even a slightest attempt or no attempt at all you have distorted reality and when I look at that image I am looking at a biased version of God's manefastion. If you capture an image of a child crying or paint an image of a child crying and manage to capture that essence... you will create a partical response in those that view it. Chinese belive there is no difference on real and what is seeing in either forms of artistic expression or in any form of artistic expression. Good work is considered good by the essence of manifestation captured but one may question what is a good way to capture ? and that is a different story. BY SPECIALPURPOSE: "I disagree - you're placing a pretty narrow scope on what constitutes art. History of art isn't just about looking at pretty pictures and understanding how they were made, it also studies the social and political circumstances in which styles developed and how and why artists worked and who for." I AGREE !!!! BY SPECIALPURPOSE: "The difference is that paintings are open to the whims of the painter's imagination and bodily movement, the photographer is limited to where he points his camera and how the light enters the camera. " Its alien to me that photography is considered by majority of phographers as a point and capture medium. There is some agreement to special purposes's statement but there is so much disagreeing ! What an obscure statement ! Best of photographers do a lot of planning before their shots. Best of photgraphy works are pre-planed as much as a painting ! One picks a theme, finds a model, sets up lights, gets decor. Shooting is not just walking on streets and taking images ! That is crazy ! Its simular to shooting movies !!! Arrggghhh tired.... Arseniy
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